Thursday, November 4, 2010

Touching Strangers: A Creepily Wonderful Concept


Touching Strangers: A Creepily


Wonderful Concept


TouchingStrangers 34-490x620 by Richard Renaldi
(Click for viewing the full set)
Richard Renaldi  gets two or more strangers on the street and asks them to pose for a photograph while touching each other. It’s fascinating to see how some people are visibly uncomfortable, while others look completely at ease – like old friends, or lovers. Check out his photos…” by Brad Horn NPR

"Jesus Came And Touched Them..."

He touched them for many different reasons, but the gospels are clear that Jesus' example includes touching other people, and not just our fellow disciples. Then he commanded us "to do as I have done."  A command Peter again presents to Christians again in one of his epistles.

The American adverse response to touching, especially by men, is unprecedented in the rest of the world.  According to scripture it is disobedience to your saviour.  Remember American culture never trumps Christ.  Christ always trumps cultural.

Brad Horn In His Article About Renaldi and "Touching Strangers" States:

 For the complete article click here.
Holding the hand of a stranger is a creepy kind of wonderful. And asking strangers to touch each other might only seem creepy — but it has produced an awkwardly wonderful series by fine art photographer Richard Renaldi. "Touching Strangers," as he calls it, explores the physical buffer we use to feel comfortable around people we don't know — or in this case, the lack of a buffer.
"Generally when you ask two people to touch, they're going to do one of two things," the New York City-based artist explains. "They're either going to hold hands or put their arms around each other. But I think there can be much more interesting ways to touch each other."
So Renaldi traipses around New York or wherever he finds himself — Texas, Illinois, California, Florida — with his 8x10 view camera (a monster of an object — think Ansel Adams under a black cloth), looking for people who will put their hands on one another. How that happens, exactly, is different each time...
But this series isn't rooted in an art-school fascination with the obtuse — it's rooted in Renaldi's lamentation over one specific thing: our separation.
"Touching Strangers" drew inspiration from another project — a book called "Dear Friends, American Photographs Of Men Together From 1840-1918." He noticed not only how affectionate the men seemed, but also how they appeared completely relaxed about it.
"And when you look at those pictures you realize, 'Oh my goodness — This isn't what men do now,' " he says. "If you go to another country, you see men holding hands. I think they used to do that in America until something changed here..."
"Something I get a lot of, is people [wondering], 'What would I have done if I was asked? Would I have touched that person?' And I think that's really kind of cool."
Since his dedication to the project seems matched only by his wanderlust, you may want to come up with an answer to that question yourself. Indeed, Renaldi may soon be approaching a stranger near you. The result will be ... touching.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Try This Drug! If You're Man Enough!

No!  I am not advocating opiates!  I am advocating responsible religion!
Religion does not have to be the opium of the people;
it can be the poetry of the people.
[Samir Selmanovic: Religion Needs Atheism]

People like drugs - especially opiate based drugs - for the same reason Carl Marx called religion the opiate of the people. 

The following excerpt from Chocolate to Morphine: Understanding Mind Active Drugs [by
Andrew Weil, MD and Winifred Rosen] provides amazing insights:

DRUGS ARE FASCINATING because they can change our awareness. The basic reason people take drugs is to vary their conscious experience. Of course there are many other ways to alter consciousness, such as listening to music, making music, dancing, fasting, chanting, exercising, surfing, meditating, falling in love, hiking in the wilderness (if you live in a city), visiting a city (if you live in the wilderness), having sex, daydreaming, watching fireworks, going to a movie or play, jumping into cold water after taking a hot sauna, participating in religious rituals ... changing consciousness is something people like to do. Human beings, it seems, are born with a need for periodic variations in consciousness. The behavior of young children supports this idea. Infants rock themselves into blissful states; many children discover that whirling, or spinning, is a powerful technique to change awareness; some also experiment with hyperventilation (rapid, deep breathing) followed by mutual chest-squeezing or choking, and tickling to produce paralyzing laughter. Even though these practices may produce some uncomfortable results, such as dizziness or nausea, the whole experience is so reinforcing that children do it again and again ...  Since children all over the world engage in these activities, the desire to change consciousness does not seem to be a product of a particular culture but rather to arise from something basically human. As children grow older they find that certain available substances put them in similar states. The attractiveness of drugs is that they provide an easy, quick route to ... states of consciousness marked by feelings of euphoria, lightness, self transcendence, concentration, and energy. People who never take drugs also seek out highs. In fact, having high experiences from time to time may be necessary to our physical and mental health, just as dreaming at night seems to be vital to our well being. Perhaps that is why a desire to alter normal consciousness exists in everyone and why people pursue the experiences even though there are sometimes uncomfortable side effects.

Feelings of well being.  Pain relief. altered awareness. Self transcendence.  Relief from anxiety, depression, boredom, lethargy, even insomnia.  These sound like a list of things the practice of religion often brings.  In fact, think about it, in Christ, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, we Christians experience most of these altered states of being.  You can also find biblical examples of, or calls to pursue, these changes in our condition or perceptions.  Many are listed as fruits of a genuine relationship with God and/or spiritual transformation.  Fascinating!

Seems religion has a chance to be a lot less destructive opiate than any drugs we use!

So Why Not!

Why not claim, exclaim, and share with others our God given "altered states of consciousness," altered state of being?

Why not study these "opiates" of religion and discover how God has provided them to take care of basic human needs?  Needs that are part of our created being?  Needs created by the fall?

Why not encourage one another to embrace and experience these biblical, divine gifts of our faith?

Why get so offended by Karl Marx, and those who quote him? 

 After all Marx got it right!  And religion, true religion, is a lot less destructive than most of the other ways we humans pursue these same goals, these same altered states of being.